Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Life always involves choices.  We make good ones, bad ones and some choices are made for us.  We've all made good and bad choices because that's what human beings do.  Let's talk about the choices that are made for us.  

It seems in the cyber world, it is presumed we are unable to make a decision without input from another entity.  Our social networks want to find our friends, events and music for us and no amount of checking off boxes will get them to stop.  I have been assertive in trying to find ways to get the suggestions to stop to no avail so far.  Even my Operating System wants to help me.  At least it gives me the choice of which search engine to use, each more annoying than the last.  I have on occasion accidentally down loaded even more help when updating software because I sped by the page with the small checked box on it.  I once ended up with a different Operating System and it took 15 minutes to navigate through the different options before I could find and check the option I DON'T WANT THIS STINKING OPERATING SYSTEM!

Even music is pushed upon me via my once beloved iTunes.  I don't care what music my friends are listening to and I don't particularly want to share my selections with them.  I don't want my music chosen for me either.  I have very eclectic musical tastes and no pre loaded software could ever satisfy my moods when it comes to music.  By now I'm sure you can guess what types of expletives fly out of my mouth when I get the message "based on your previous choices we recommend...."  When did consumers send the message that we no longer could choose for ourselves?  I don't remember getting the memo and no one ever asked me if my brain had suddenly gone to mush and could they please help me.  

Now I can hear some of you state the obvious:  it's all about selling things. Believe me, I know that.  What the people deciding what I'll like don't seem to grasp is that I am a contrarian. I will not be pushed into making the choice someone else has in mind because it just pushes my red hot angry button.  I guess one could say I am stubborn, but I don't think that really covers it.  You see, I didn't have a rebellious stage as a teenager but to make up for it, I've been clandestinely rebellious ever sense.  I don't wear a sign and for the most part I don't advertise the fact that the more you push me in a direction, the more I will push back.  If you present me with options and leave me alone I am fine.  Tell me I must take A or B and I'll take C, it's just the way I am wired.  

So to the cyber world I say:  Leave the choices to me please.  Stop trying to guide me to your choice and I may find my way to your choice eventually, or not.  It is in human nature to want to do things for ourselves and we really don't need or want your help.  Don't make me go back to buying everything in a brick and mortar store.  If you build it they will come?  Yes, just give them the chance please.

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