Sunday, December 30, 2012

It's just not Hogwarts without me

I slept with Harry Potter last night.  That shouldn't be possible given he is a fictional character, but you need more information: I slept with The Sorcerer's Stone on the DVD player.   I'm sure it seems odd that at the age of noneofyourbusiness I would be watching a Harry Potter movie.  You have to consider that I have spent my working hours not just in the real world, but a sometimes unbelievably brutally real world.  It has become important for my mental health (I do hear the laughing out there) to spend time away from reality.  Since I am not inclined to use drugs, am too lazy to meditate routinely, I either read or go into my DVD's.  To be clear, I was not AWAKE all night watching Harry Potter, but it was playing while I slept.  Now, about the dreams I have while the DVD's play....

My brain blends what I hear with what is bouncing around in my brain waiting to land somewhere.  Last night I was vanquishing Voldemort, while paying my bills and mowing my lawn.  A non linear mind while awake, is completely random during the sleep state.  What the hell does Voldemort have to do with me paying my bills and mowing my lawn?  Was Voldemort a symbol of the evil outside forces in my life making it difficult to live my life?    Was I worried about paying my bills now because of being unemployed?  Was mowing my lawn a representation of needing a hair cut?  I think the explanation is pretty simple:  a part of my brain works like a Whack-A-Mole game.  A thought pops up in one part of my brain only to be knocked down by another part of my brain.  At the end of the night, all of the Moles have been whacked.  In other words, I have been problem solving.

We all have ways of problem solving.  I have learned to appreciate the creative nature of problem solving.  I know people who problem solve by ignoring the problem.  If they don't acknowledge the problem, it does not exist.  Instead of I think therefore I am, it's you stink therefore you're gone.  I know people who whip out a white board and start listing different ways of solving the problem and potential deal breakers to each solution. I suspect I know people who throw darts at a board and whatever is hit is the answer.

Does the method matter as long as you are satisfied with the outcome?  I suspect not.  But all things considered, I'm going to stick with my method: it may not be any more efficient than any other method, but it sure is entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. I am the one with the DO know someone who does that! In fact, when I put the whiteboard away is when I got into REAL problems. I have pulled it back out and my life is coming back into focus!
