Monday, December 31, 2012

Out with 2012 and not a moment too soon

So another year comes to a close.  We're kind of over the financial cliff, although they are making a show of voting after midnight.  Must be hell to actually do the job you are being paid for one whole day of the year.  But I digress....

Although most of the year was fine it didn't finish well.  Not being 21 anymore, this old body is letting me know it needs a bit more care than in the days of my youth.  It's a little embarrassing to spending time having physical therapy because you had your mouse in the wrong spot.  No, not a rodent, the computer mouse.

I went to my Nurse Practitioner and complained of this gnarly shoulder pain.  She manipulates it a bit and orders an X-ray.  She originally thought it was a calcified tendonitis that a steroid injection might help.  The X-ray was negative so plan B was physical therapy.  OK.  I was good with that.  The physical therapist manipulates my shoulder, listens to the symptoms and when they occur and he says it sounds like a rotator cuff capsule issue.  When I asked what might cause this he asked a few more questions and explained that my shoulder was not being allowed to rest in an anatomically correct position.  ???  Then the light came on in my brain. "Could having a computer mouse too high do this?"  Oh yes says the physical therapist.  So now I have a mouse shoulder.  Great.

The physical therapist doesn't waste any time and gives me a list of exercises to start and says he wants to see me twice a week.  I schedule the next appointment day after next.  The next session goes well and he shows me new exercises and new stretches.  Great, I'm on the road to recovery.

Not so fast says my old rickety body.  By the evening, my lower back goes into spasm.   The I-can't-stand-up-straight type of a spasm.  This is not the first time I've done this, so I know what to do.  Salon Pas, ibuprofen, heating pad and sleep with my legs up on four pillows to keep the small of my back flat.  Not so fast says my rickety old body. My shoulder is sore from the physical therapy and just to stir the pot a little, my sinuses have gone into overdrive in mucus production.  So here is the scene:  I'm laying on my back in bed, Salon Pas, heating pad and legs up for my back.  My shoulder has Salon Pas with that arm being supported by a pillow.  I can't have my head down flat because of the post nasal drip, so a couple of pillows under my head.  I have tissues and cough drops on the bed.  I have cough syrup and a glass of water on night stand.  Turn off the light and settle in.  Then I start to cough.  Pain shoots to my back.  I reach for the tissues and cough drops with the arm with the sore shoulder and pain shoots down my arm.  I finally stop coughing and I realize I have to pee.  Not so fast says my rickety old body.  It was then I told my rickety old body to shut the hell up.  I hobble to the bathroom do what I have to do and return to bed....this repeated three times does not equal a great night of rest.

So yes, I am ready to see this year end.  Laid off and laid up.  Neither of which is the laid I was asking for.  Note to self: be very careful and very specific when you ask for something.

Is it midnight yet?

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