Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mold is not necessarily a bad thing

OK.  Now I know I won't wake up every morning with something I just have to share with the world.  Some of my inertia is associated with realization that getting a job will take more than a nanosecond and part of it is I am a last minute type of a gal.  I always waited until the last minute to get most of my school projects done and it looks like procrastination is still my friend.  Onward and upward!

I think I may have found a new life form in my shower today.  It was hiding under a shampoo bottle I had put in the corner on the floor of the shower.  I hate throwing the remnants of hair products, make up, and beauty supplies away.  I'm not sure why: perhaps the ridiculous price?  The claims of results to be had that never appear?  I any event, I'm here to tell you, if you don't move that shampoo bottle, something really nasty will grow under it.

It's now my theory that everything that grows in the shower originally showed up as a part of the primordial ooze from which all life evolved.  I feel a little bad that I may have wiped out a new world with Soft Scrub with Bleach, but a woman has to do, what a woman has to do. Since I found the new life form in the shower, I took a look around the rest of the bathroom (which for the record is the size of a small closet).  No more slime mold, but I did find an embarrassing amount of hair in the corners.  Yuck.  Out came the rugs, followed by a good sweeping and then mopping.  Feeling very virtuous, I moved on to the kitchen, where I am happy to report there was no mold and not a hair to be found. I was on a roll now so I wiped down the kitchen counters and mopped the floor. The more I cleaned, the clearer my thought process, which is deeper symbolism than a high school literature teacher could pick apart in a week.

Perhaps the state of my shower reflects the state of my mind.  Let me explain:  when I am humming along in my life, everything falls into place and tasks get done on a fairly regular basis.  When I hit a bump in the road of life, I tend to spend more time thinking and less time in action.  The problem gets worked and reworked ad infinitum until I either come up with a solution or I finally decide it doesn't matter. This isn't so much a problem now, because I live alone.  When I didn't live alone, well let's just say, there is a reason I live alone. The upshot of all of this cleaning is I have come up with a new strategy for finding a job, managing my money for retirement and for solving the national debt crisis.  If I find something else to clean, world peace won't be far behind.  Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. What strategy??????
    Share with the rest of us who need a new job!
    I want one too!
