Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I've become a lunch lady

No I have not taken a job in a school cafeteria, although that's starting to sound good.  No, everyday I get up and cruise the websites for a minimum of two hours on the hunt for a job.  Lately what I've been doing after that is going to lunch.  It's a tough job but I'm willing to take one for the team.

The lunches usually start around 11:30 and go to at least 2:00.  We aren't really eating the whole time I assure you, mostly it's talking.  And talking.  And just to change it up a little: talking.  I have been having lunch with friends that I have worked with.  Some friends from the distant past and some from the last job.  I have found that keeping in touch has become very important to me.  I've always liked and gotten along well with my co-workers, but recently they have become a life line of sorts.

When you have recently become one of the disenfranchised, it's good to feel like you are not the only one having a challenge in finding a new job.  Checking in with someone about resumes, on line applications and new ways to keep you busy is usually what the conversation is about.  Lots of listening, and nodding and then taking your turn for your pal to do the same for you is the routine.  You get tired of complaining about the situation to your loved ones, and trust me they get tired of hearing it (although I hear some families do a good job of hiding it).  Having someone to commiserate with is good for everyone: the persons in the situation and their loved ones all  get the benefit.  Loved ones are saved from hearing the same thing over and over, and the disenfranchised has someone to bounce ideas and feelings off of.

There are words of encouragement provided by someone who understands the situation that cannot be construed as obligatory or "required".  Comparing experiences becomes a seminar on how to do things more successfully.  Exchanging "Hints from Heloise" for a particular website can be huge.  All these things are given freely because we truly care about each other and want to help.  Then there is the laughing.

It feels good to laugh at yourself about getting stuck in some electronic loop with someone who has done the same thing.  Laughing with someone about not having any clothes for an interview because you have been wearing scrubs forever feels good.  Sharing that even if you did have the clothes they probably wouldn't fit due to stress eating.  Sharing that you are now coloring your own hair and that next time you are sure you will get the color right.

Eventually, I am sure we will all have jobs, even if they are not our dream jobs.  We will have gotten them from due diligence, dotting the I's and crossing the T's.  It is my hope however that we will continue to meet for lunch even then.  The lesson is your friends are always there, but we just don't always make the time to see them.   Life is short so remember to have lunch in the good times as well as the bad. 

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