Friday, January 25, 2013

The rain from Spain is here

I love the rain.  I love the smell of it and how it turns everything green. I love that I can turn off my sprinkler system.  I love that I get to wear more layers which can hide a multitude of sins. I love that the rain washes my car and it is free!  I love how well I sleep when it rains. I love the rain as an excuse to have a fire in the fireplace which helps channel my propensity for pyromania into heat and not jail. This is how I feel the on first day of rain.

How would I feel if it rained for more than a day or two? Try this scenario:

Day 2:  Oh yes.  I forgot I have wavy hair but the rain has reminded me.  I'm sure there is a hair product in the bottom of my vanity that will take care of it.  If I can just get down low enough to take a look. Found the anti-frizz and my flat iron!  I can bundle up and have another fire tonight!

Day 3: Using an umbrella is harder than it looks.  How in the world to you get it down and in the car without getting yourself wet in the process?  Every time I think I have the maneuver just about mastered,  there is some sort of a catastrophe. Today my purse emptied itself on the wet, wet ground and I had to handle an umbrella, the purse, and crawling around on my hands and knees.  I definitely heard someone laugh as they were passing by.  Note to self: repair rip in seat of pants.  At least I can have a fire in the fireplace tonight.

Day 4:  All of my shoes are damp.  When you live in an area where rain is the exception and not the rule, you do not own water resistant shoes.  Three pairs of wet sport shoes, two pairs of wet espadrilles, and one pair of wet clogs which are apparently made of wool.  We're not even going to talk about how slippery flip-flops are in the rain.  I may have a fire tonight; I may not.  It seems there is a little water in my garage where the wood is stored.

Day 5: I am so done.  Everything smells damp.  Everything feels damp.  Everything IS damp  My hair is frizzy, all of my turtle necks have been worn and I am out of clean socks.  I'd do the wash but a river is now running through my garage where my washer and drier are located.  At least they used to be located there.  Maybe I should look.  No fire tonight because the wood that remains is wet. Grrr.

Day 6:  All of the patio furniture has floated into the neighbor's yard.  My tree is starting to list to port; or starboard.  I never remember which is which, but I know a listing tree is not good.  Oh yikes!  The neighbor's patio furniture has joined mine and is now floating down the street.  I'm calling the Coast Guard.....

No, I don't like that scenario.  Perhaps I should be tone my ode to rain down a little and restate how I feel about rain: I like a little rain to keep the grass green please.  No need to overdo it Mother Nature!


  1. So, gettin' a little rain in SD? Very funny....I so enjoy your rants!!!

  2. I've become a true San know how we are. Three drops of rain, the sewers back up and we slam into each other on the freeway! We are spoiled!
