Thursday, January 24, 2013

Walking on the edge of technology

So, as I have been documenting, lots of changes have happened since the big layoff.  Too much free time, too few deposits in the bank, and lots of time on the internet searching for jobs.  I am going along with the flow pretty much, but I have noticed it's the little things that make a difference.

I'm really starting to like text messaging or "texting" for short.  Now my son would tell you I've always liked it, but quite honestly, that's about the only way a get to "talk" with him.  It's much easier for him answer a quick text than to answer the phone and have to say HELLO MOM with his co-workers and friends within earshot.  I get that and I try not to over use the text privilege with him.  Now days however, it's keeping me in touch with my former associates.

I suspect I am not the only one who is at a loss of what to do, think, plan, on a day to day basis.  That doesn't surprise me.  What surprises me is how much I miss the people I worked with.  Most of us worked twelve hour shifts, three days a week and you might go weeks without seeing one of your cohorts.  But you always knew you would see them again.  Each one of my associates had a special something that I looked forward to when I worked with them.  Some of them are just so young and excited about life, it was energizing just to be around them.  Some are about my age so we had a common history of music, life experiences and disappointments to bond us.  Some of my associates are just so different from me I was always learning something new about their life, where they came from and even a few words of a different language.  The inside jokes, the eye rolls and talking under your breath are all sorely missed.  Now what does that have to do with texting?

Texting has become a way to touch base with someone and feel like you are not alone.  It is acceptable for pauses in the "conversation" and bad spelling and the occasional oops are forgiven.  It's a very casual way to let someone know you are thinking about them without overwhelming them with nine zillion questions.  God knows the more you text the more likely you are going to show up on Damn You Auto Correct so you try to keep it brief.  You can quickly see if someone is busy and set up a last minute meeting.  You can say "thinking about you", without getting all smarmy.

I still think texting can be inappropriate: texting someone sitting next to you is just lazy or rude to the other people in the room.  Texting when your child is trying to get you to look at their latest art project is ill timed and you may miss a wonderful moment that you can't get back. Texting while you are walking means you have a pretty good chance of becoming a hood ornament.  Texting while driving is just stupid.  But texting to keep in touch is growing on me.  Life is good but I don't want to see one of my texts on Damn You Auto Correct.  Really!


  1. What is " Damm you auto account"?

    I am sooooo behind the times!

    1. It's Damn You Auto Correct. If you have auto correct enabled on your phone for texting, it automatically helps you finish your words. Sometimes it picks some very wrong words. Go to the website: They are hilarious!
